Owner / Asset Managers
RentalGuard was born out of the real estate industry. We understand the unique challenges owner/ asset managers face. With a unique understanding of this problem set and out combined expertise in technology we have assembled a solution to one of the most significant challenges in asset management.
Digital Asset Defender(DAD)
24/7 Protection, Maximizing your returns
The smart way to protect your property and boost profits. Prevent water damage, optimizes HVAC get provides real-time insights, helping you avoid costly repairs and increase your Net Operating Income

Massive ROI
Avg Maintenance Cost per unit
Increase in NOI
Protect Against Water Leaks
The VMT can monitor your unit for water leaks not only in the flow lines but vulnerable drainage lines as well
Temperature Monitoring and Control
The temperature of your building is incredibly important. It's a bit of a goldilocks problem. Not too hot so things don't break, not too cold so pipes don't freeze. The VMT can not only monitor these things but can also act to prevent damage due to these conditions
Customizable Capabilities
Have another concern you'd like to monitor? No problem! With minimal configuration and some additional hardware the VMT can be customized to meet any need
Monitor and Optimize HVAC
A unit's HVAC system is the single largest asset in a building. Remotely monitor the health and operation of this system proactively to reduce risk, predict future issues and prevent costly replacements
Mold Mitigation
The health and safety of tenants is always the top priority for a property manager. The VMT can monitor a unit for the conditions in which mold can grow and automatically notify you and begin mitigation in real time
Utility Billback
Have an older building that doesn't have separate metering? Add D.A.D.'s utility bill back to start recouping those expenses